About Lutheran Homeschool

LutheranHomeschool.com is a place for Lutheran homeschoolers and Lutheran educators. It is a place to compile digital resources, share tips, and even sell digital material that has worked in one family for the benefit of others.

We pray that Lutheran Homeschool can be a resource, reassurance, and encouragement for you as you train up your children and your households in ways they ought to go.

Looking for community or conversation? We don’t have features for that at this time. Still, we can share what we’ve found! There is a Lutheran blog, Blest the Houseand Facebook pages including LCMS Homeschoolers, Classical Lutheran Homeschoolers, WELS Homeschool Community, and ELS Homeschooling Group. There’s also an LCMS MeWe option and at least one Instagram account, @thefaithfulhomeschool, that offers tips for Lutheran homeschoolers.

Really, the best way to find fellow Lutheran homeschoolers is to ask pastors and members of local congregations, though sometimes we seem spread pretty far apart. Still, we’re in this together! 🙂 Let us know if you know of even more.


Lutheran homeschools may be smaller than “traditional” schools, but we’re still passionate about sharing what works! We would go so far as to say that many of us pursue homeschooling to a professional degree. In a happy twist, some of us are even synodically trained to teach. So, what is to keep us from sharing our experiences and even what we create? Nothing!

Welcome to a centralized location for Lutheran Homeschooling finds!

Here is a list of what we have to offer so far:

  • A marketplace with digital material, some for sale but much of it free
  • An extensive & growing compilation of links to Free Lutheran Educational Resources
  • A new release blog
  • Lutheran Recommendations links to Lutheran books on education, Lutheran curriculum, Lutheran fiction & non-fiction for children, topical resources, additional organizations, etc. Is every single thing written by a Lutheran? No, but, for example, the Greek textbooks were still recommended by Lutherans.
  • A page listing Lutheran Conferences, Camps, and Retreats
  • Lutheran Book Lists and recommended religious reading for children
  • A page for Requested Lutheran Resources. What would you love to see available? And can we work together to get these materials available?
  • We’ve also just barely started a Parenting page to share encouraging links to articles and blog posts. (If you have any favorites, feel free to let us know!)
  • Wanted: We would love a page of suggested tweaks for non-Lutheran curriculum. By all means contact us if you can help us in any way with that.
  • Also wanted: Additional vendors & even more faithful digital resources! 🙂

Lutheran Homeschool Marketplace

Our Lutheran Homeschool Marketplace exists to enable solid Lutheran ideas to flourish and flex across generational lines. May it serve any and all Lutheran educators, including clergy and godparents.

Looking to write and develop something for our church? This may be your chance!

Now, we won’t sell everything ourselves. The Lutheran Homeschool Marketplace will ONLY SHARE OR SELL DOWNLOADABLE MATERIAL by Lutheran sellers who aren’t selling it elsewhere. We can happily link to resources sold elsewhere, typically with Amazon links when possible, since Amazon Affiliate income helps fund and maintain this website.

If you would like to become a vendor for this site, be aware that vendors are encouraged to share resources free of charge in addition to selling, although specifics can be worked out with the webmaster.

We are in the earliest stages of this resource, so please be patient as learn together.

Vendor Requirements

  • All vendors for the Lutheran Homeschool Marketplace should be Lutherans in good standing within a Lutheran congregation. And, to be clear, that includes a belief in the virgin birth, the means of grace, Christ’s bodily presence in the Lord’s Supper, a bodily resurrection of the dead, etc.
  • Vendors should label all their pieces with appropriate copyright information on every page.
  • Vendors are personally responsible for any copyright permissions they may need for images and quotations used.
  • And, although vendors set their own prices, please do so understanding that both Stripe (which is sort of like Paypal) and the webmaster of this site will take a portion.

More specifics are in a widget on the right.

Material Requirements

  • Must everything be overtly religious? No. What we want are materials that support and align with the Faith.
  • All material is subject to doctrinal review, although not all material will automatically undergo doctrinal review.
  • If there are theological questions or a lack of clarity in any materials, please contact the webmaster so we are made aware as soon as possible.

Contact Us

Share with us! Let us know what has helped and encouraged you. LutheranHomeschool.com welcomes a wide variety of feedback, including links, book recommendations, curriculum commentary, notice about conferences, etc.

Potential vendors should contact us with a store name, username, email, full name, and place of church membership.

May every blessing in Christ be yours!