Free Lutheran Educational Resources

Looking for free Lutheran educational resources? Looking to see what’s even out there in the Lutheran homeschooling world? Welcome to this page! (If you’re looking for non-Lutheran Curriculum or Schooling options, that link is here and does include entire free curriculum! We’ve also just started a page for Free Non-Lutheran Resources, which are hopefully all vetted.)

We are full of joy to share with you what people have been finding within Lutheranism and its educational resources! Even better, so much is FREE and gifted to the church!

You should probably scan through the table of contents, and, if anything is missing, we have moved entire sections into product pages for easier organization & viewing. So please search our site, too, for more free Lutheran resources!

Note Well: We are always happy to learn about resources to share, but this page should pertain to Lutheran education. Please let us know resources that you have found or developed.

General Information Regarding Lutheran Education

Practical Tips

  • While scheduling always boils down to family specifics, here is a very helpful article about how one Lutheran family’s homeschool scheduling looks like for one family over several years.

Free Coursework

These are not specifically geared toward children, however a free Lutheran resource is a free Lutheran resource!

Free Sources for Books

  • Lutheran Library may not have the books your current curriculum recommends, but it is still a very handy place to know about!

Lutheran Authors addressing Special Education

Cheryl Swope has specialized in educating those with learning disabilities and behavior disorders. She is a faithful member of an LCMS congregation, who has homeschooled two special-need children of her own. You can find articles by her here and her website here. In addition to the resources on her website, she works with Memoria Press, developing classical curriculum for those with Special Needs, and writing for both of The Classical Teacher and Simply Classical Journal.

On a less education-specific note, Alvin Franzmeier blogs in support of those with intellectual disabilities.


  • Donuts & Devos is a Lutheran devotional podcast for kids.
  • The Daily Bite (which is based on his Faith@Home Corner devotion guide here) is a daily look at a chapter of the Bible, how it points to Christ, and questions we can ask our children.
  • Layman’s Guide to the Lectionary is a weekly Bible study on the Scriptures that would be read in worship if a congregation is using the 3-year lectionary.

Classical Lutheran Education

Full, Free Curricula



Music Making


Religious Instruction

Lutheran Doctrine &/or Identity

Reading Plans


  • 5 Free Bible Reading Plans: One Year, Two Year, Chronological, Bible Narratives (I like this one for kids, too!), and Daily Lectionary
  • This Passion Book, developed by Rev. Andrew Richard, combines woodcuttings and various artwork with the Passion readings traditionally read throughout Holy Week for home and devotional use.



Prayer & Support Projects


Organizations, Boards, Websites, and Programs for Lutheran Education & Support

Social Issues

(Here is a general link to the LCMS Commission on Theology & Church Relations page and its Document Library, since it has addressed Life Issues, Social Issues, and more.)

Domestic Violence/Abuse


Human Trafficking



Marriage & Family



Religious Liberty


Also Worth Knowing

So many free Lutheran educational resources!!! And let us know about more and more free Lutheran educational resources!!!