A past LCMS president, Rev. A. L. Barry put together a series of 29 pamphlets, plus introduction, to address a wide variety of topics. These are all written for lay-people and were once commonly housed in pamphlet dispensers across the synod.
These are not written explicitly for children, but if you want an easy way to discuss one topic a week with your older children, go here to download either one PDF or various topics. Or maybe you would like a little guidance on a topic or two! Whether you read them together or use them as a parental springboard for discussion, they’re a helpful tool published. The most recent edition was published in 2001.
Here are the available topics:
- Introduction
- The Gospel
- The Bible
- The Small Catechism
- The Ten Commandments
- The Apostles’ Creed
- The Lord’s Prayer
- Holy Baptism
- Confession and Absolution
- The Sacrament of the Altar
- Being a Lutheran
- Lutheran Worship
- The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
- Telling the Good News about Jesus
- Christian Families
- Angels
- Death and Dying
- Pastors
- The New Millennium
- Christian Stewardship
- Fellowship in the Lord’s Supper
- The Difference between the ELCA and the LCMS
- The Ordination of Women to the Pastoral Office
- Homosexuality
- Abortion
- Living Together Without Marriage
- Creation and Evolution
- The Jehovah’s Witnesses
- Islam
- Mormonism
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