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St. Martin of Tours Mission to the Armed Forces Homeschool Co-op

Brothers and sisters, I am so excited about the newest Lutheran homeschooling resources on! We have a new vendor, Rev. and Mrs. Gandy, and they have just added four tremendous co-op/ liturgical living resources, titled under “St. Martin of Tours Mission to the Armed Forces Homeschool Co-op”!

My  jaw dropped with these. You have got to check them out! And they are all free!

Old & New Testament Journals

In the St. Martin of Tours Homeschool Co-op: Old & New Testament Journals, lead your children to binding and creating their own Old and New Testament journals, complete with an entry schedule with page numbers.

To make ONE journal you will need:

  • 1 piece of 9×11.5 inch piece of leather (Perhaps scrap pieces of leather through eBay or, if you are unable to source real leather, you can use
    cardstock instead, but your journals will not be as durable for year-long use.)
  •  9 pieces of 8.5×11 inch white computer paper
  • 1 thumbtack
  • 1 embroidery needle
  • 36 inches of embroidery thread
  • A pencil
  • A pen
  • A ruler

This is something I want for my husband, let alone my kids! 😀

St. Martin of Tours Homeschool Co-op Library

Interested in a thorough list of books commemorating Feast and Saint Days? This one looks pretty impressive, listing picture books for children, a teacher library for liturgical living, and Advent & Christmas picture books for children!

Know of more? Send them feedback! 🙂 They are on the lookout for more!

St. Martin of Tours Homeschool Co-op Lesson Plans

These are lessons plans for the beginning of the school year to Advent.

Admittedly, not every Lutheran homeschool family has a pastor in it, and not every co-op has a pastor who dedicates his time to it. Still, look what is being done!

The St. Martin of Tours Homeschool Co-op focuses on commemorations, feasts, and saint days that fall during each school week. Not all co-ops do. 🙂 But what a theme!

You know what I would love to see? Even more Lutheran resources developed so that we needn’t rely so much on others for the Church Year and ordering our days in a way mindful of the faithful who have gone before us!

St. Martin of Tours Homeschool Co-op Schedule

Again, this schedule is for the beginning of the school year to Advent. A Sanctoral Calendar!

Now, this schedule likely includes names you know and names you may not know. Although, if you follow the plans for this co-op, that would surely change! Ha haa

Personally, I am very encouraged to see how liturgical living and the church year are embraced, though that may happen to different degrees in faithful Lutheran homes.

Gandys Bio

The Gandys are a newly active duty Air Force family serving at Eielson Air Force Base in interior Alaska. Rev. Amadeus Gandy  is an LCMS priest and Air Force chaplain, and Mrs. Gandy is clearly making impressive use of her time as a homemaker, homeschooler, seamstress, and more. They are expecting their fourth young one mid-November. (Awwwwww)

Anyway, they are starting an LCMS homeschoolers weekly co-op to better meet the needs of the military’s Lutheran families at Eielson, making their resources from scratch, and using traditions we have done in our own home as the foundation.

Our hope is that other LCMS homeschooling families will read and use our materials, and then contribute and share their own ideas and traditions with us as well, in order to create an extensive Lutheran Liturgical Living curriculum.

This, this, is why exists! So many of us are piecing together as we go, but now we can better share and support one another!

Paper Cut-Out Luther Rose “Snowflake”

Also, one more new resource to mention. You may have seen Kelly Klages tutorial for a paper cut-out Luther Rose “snowflake.” I went ahead and added it, with her permission and a video, so that Lutheran homeschoolers can find it more easily.

It is amazing what people can come up in service and in delight for the church! Thanks be to God!

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